Women usually are not free. They are bound to a male somewhere, it keeps them from facing justice alone.
what of widows and orphaned daughters?
In the case of Widows, they may choose freedom or to bind themselves to extended family. Usually the best deal, unless the woman is strong enough, is to bind herself to the household of a relative. Joining the clergy is also an option.
nemoObviscae (12:29:09 AM) : for the latter, marriage is the best bet.
nemoObviscae (12:29:19 AM) : that or join the church.
Being Free and Independent makes Women truly equal to men, and they will get no mercy for gender by the law. This does, however, mean that they can own property independent of a man. Thereby also making them subject to middle justice, and gaining them the right to a champion.
Being Free and Independent makes Women truly equal to men, and they will get no mercy for gender by the law. This does, however, mean that they can own property independent of a man. Thereby also making them subject to middle justice, and gaining them the right to a champion.
What is the purpose of marriage then?
How many wives may a man have?
Normally women are granted grace and mercy under the law, but if consequences are owed, they are usually extracted from her Husband.
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